Riempi il tuo sguardo coi conigli, stolto mortale! Ammira nel primo video un peloso padrone defecare mentre dorme: ciò che per noi richiede impegno, e quindi trovarci coscienti e svegli, per il coniglio è un’inezia che può svolgere anche sognando. Defecare, per esempio, o fabbricare missili balistici migliori per la Corea del Nord. La complessità delle due cose alle possenti menti dei lapini è equivalente: ridono alla povertà della nostra tecnologia, loro, i possenti padroni del sistema solare!

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Riporto la descrizione del video, con l’idea del proprietario che il coniglio stia defecando per errore mentre dorme perché sta sognando di andare in bagno e quindi crede di trovarsi sulla lettiera già (è correttamente addestrato a defecare in un posto specifico):

A tiny pet bunny rabbit named Pipkin is sleeping and dreaming about going to the bathroom. He is a free roam rabbit who is litter trained, so he is obviously dreaming about going to the bathroom in his litter box. The rabbit is also eating, digging, and running in his dream. The rabbit then stretches and yawns, and it looks like he woke up at first. However, we think the bunny rabbit was asleep the whole time – as evidenced by his eyes looking all crazy! Do rabbits do sleep with their eyes open? Yes, sometimes rabbits do! 🙂
When Pipkin rabbit really starts dreaming, like REM sleep, the rabbit tilts his head back all of the way, like you saw at the end. The rabbit will then start to run. Then the rabbit starts to chew, or to eat something – almost like the rabbit ran over to a delicious fruit or vegetables and starting eating.
We are often asked can rabbits be trained to use a litter box? Yes, rabbits can easily be trained to use a litter box! This rabbit uses his litter box most of the time, but sometimes he has an accident, which is totally understandable if the rabbit is sleeping and dreaming!
The rabbit loves digging, running, and eating in his dreams! Is it the cutest thing ever? We hope you think so!

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